This is a great sewing project for a beginning seamstress or tailor. A marble bag was among my first projects as a 4-H girl. I remember working with my mom in her sewing room making a beige with blue plaid flannel bag, entering it in the county fair, and getting a blue ribbon for the project. I wanted to teach my group of Webelos scouts a little bit about sewing for their craftsman activity badge, so I simplified the construction even more than the one that I made those many years ago, and planned a day for crafting and a day for playing marbles. And yes, they enjoyed sewing just as much as the playing!
Project cost is less than $1/bag.
Estimated time:
10-15 minutes for an experience seamstress
1 hour for a group of six 10 year old children under the guidance of 2 leaders using 2 sewing machines and 1-2 irons.
Materials list per bag:
2- fabric rectangles:10 3/4 inch by 5 inch
Printable instructions:
Simple marble bag
You'll want to follow up the project with instructions on shooting marbles and a game such as ringer.
Here is a website about marble games:
Land of Marbles
Have fun!